Twenty five years ago H & B Mining developed the first drop down idler (DDI). The DDI revolutionised conveyor roller change out and became a standard inclusion on just about every mine site in Australia.
Although brilliant in it’s time, the DDI now looks outdated. H & B Mining’s “Easy Maintenance Retractable Idler”, otherwise known as the “EMRI” builds on the original DDI and brings conveyor idler design into the 21st century. While the DDI allowed for easy access to the conveyor wing rollers without the need to lift the conveyor belt, central roller change out remained problematic. The EMRI incorporates a drop down mechanism to access the wing roller and a retractable capability to access the central roller.
With the advent of the EMRI, an unbelievable giant leap forward in roller maintenance has arrived. “Once upon a time” it was deemed dangerous and sometimes impossible to change central impact rollers on drop down and jack down idlers. H & B’s EMRI provides an opportunity to eliminate finger, hand and back injury whilst changing out idler rollers.
H & B Mining combine three patent pending products to revoltionise roller change out:
- EMRI – Easy Maintenance Retractable Idler
- Roll Removal Tool (RRT) &
- “Rack’n’Roll” roller storage rack
- Trolley extraction tool
The RRT easily lifts conveyor rollers and the “Rack’n’Roll’ safely stores worn or replacement rollers during change out. Operators hands and fingers never make contact with any part of the rollers. Roller change out is simpler, safer and quicker. Shut downs are shorter and safer, and production is up.
Yet again, H & B has proven that it is the leader when it comes to providing the Australian Mining Industry with safety first, easy maintenance solutions.

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7 41 Division Street,Welshpool,
Perth, Western Australia 6106
- Tel: 08 9403 2993
- info@handbmining.com.au
7 Tahiti Lane, Hillarys, Perth, Western Australia 6025
- Tel: 08 9403 2993
- info@handbmining.com.au